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개인 취향 - 가브리엘 포레(Gabriel Faure)의 시실리안느(Sicilienne)

by 잡글서점 2013. 2. 13.

빙과 8화의 시작부에서 나와서 알게 된 후 상당히 흠취하는 클래식입니다.

요즘은 Atelier Rorona OST랑 EGOIST, 사카모토 마야, rainy mood 등을 주로 듣고 있습니다.

[동영상 비교 감상]  

Sicilienne from "Pelleas et Melisande" - Gabriel Faure  

Performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy conducting


Pahud plays Gabriel Fauré Sicilienne Op78  


Gabriel Faure: Sicilienne Op.78 Patrick Gallois  

Orchestre Du Festival De Musique De Chambre De Paris : VERSAILLES CONCERT 1986


Faure's Sicilienne performed by Julian Lloyd Webber and John Lenehan   

Manfred Wordtmann - Soprano Saxophone, Noriko Kitano - Klavier  


Recorded at Waldorf Schule, Münster, Engineer: Cornelius Bradter, further music samples, CDs and free sheet music under: www.piperprints.de, Production: Manfred Wordtmann
